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4 Easy Non-Toxic Home Swaps

nontoxic products

The rabbit hole of health and wellness can seem never-ending, once you've started your journey of learning all the way companies have endlessly infused toxic crap into our lives. Often under the guise of marketing labels like "all natural" or "clinically proven," with a little more knowledge, you quickly realize these are meaningless terms that hold no actual weight toward the viability or quality of the product whatsoever. I'm still early in my crusade to free my lifestyle and home from toxins, but thought I'd share a few easy swaps I made this year that I've been really happy with. Indulge and enjoy!


Here I was my whole life just trying to not smell like shit for the rest of the world, all to find out I was literally dousing my delicate little pits with awful chemicals and hormone disruptive substances... sweet! I left behind the aluminum, parabens, phthalates, talc, butane & isobutane, triclosan, and propylene glycol (along with my chronic skin sensitivity that went along with it), and exchanged it for a cleaner upgrade that actually works and smells great!

Salt & Stone Deodorant


Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined soap could be a problem, but alas, the corporate demons have found a way to make that bad for us too. Common ingredients like artificial fragrances, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan & triclocarban, cause problems such as hormone disruption, increased risk of cancer, skin irritation, thyroid complications, reproductive toxicity, and a plethora of skin conditions. I decided to try an old-school approach, and buy soap made the way our ancestors used to. I now use a hand-crafted tallow soap made in the great US-of-A, containing nothing but (actual) natural ingredients and essential oils. My skin has never felt better! (And also husband-approved!)

tallow soap


I've always been someone who loves indulging in beautiful, scented candles around the home. I never really thought much about what went into them (like what could it possibly be, wax and smells?), until I learned more recently. Volatile organic compounds trigger all sorts of breathing problems, and longterm exposure to the toluene (found in paraffin candles) can harm the nervous & respiratory system and developing brain! The particulate matter released can also enter the respiratory system and accumulate in the alveoli, which can create additional cardiovascular and respiratory problems, along with the endless toxic synthetic chemicals that cause allergic reactions, hormone disruptions, headaches, and more. You also never quite know where and how most of these candles you buy online or in store are actually being made, regardless of the price point. I made the switch to pure beeswax candles this year, and not only have I loved all the health benefits, but they look and smell amazing in my home too!

beeswax candle

Glass Food Storage Containers

I remember always being told reheating food in plastic was bad, but when I was younger, convenience was king, and I didn't always want to take the time to do things the "healthy way." Now, a little older, wiser, and with young kids, I don't mess around with any of that stuff anymore. I've begun our transition to food storage in exclusively glass containers, so we can avoid any chemicals leaching into what we're putting into our bodies.

glass food storage

Happy non-toxic shopping, friends! XO

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